Turn Calls into Customers

Our AI technology turns every phone call into a short summary, then sends automatic follow-ups to potential customers that didn't book, enabling you to turn calls into customers.
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Automate anything that comes after a call.

Whether it's sending through a link with more information, or notifying another fellow colleague, our AI technology can help you to automate follow-up that comes after a phone call.

Businesses that follow up increase their conversion by 40%.
The team at CloseCall have helped me grow my business, without me having to do anything differently
Tom Sawaiz
Manager, HFDT Tyre & Auto

Easy access to customer data.

With a quick glance at a custom dashboard, you have access to the details of calls that have been made, customer information and phone numbers. No more letting valuable customer data go to waste.

Drive future marketing campaigns.

With an automated record of customer data, you will have a database of clients that you can market to.
Customer satisfaction
Increase in sales

Integrate with your favourite platform


Automate the way you store, organize, and access your data.

AI-Powered call transcription
Our AI-powered technology instantly turns the audio recording of the call into text, giving you complete visibility into the calls your team members make and receive.
AI-Powered conversational insights
After the script has been transcribed, the script is turned into a summary, so that you can get an update on all calls with just a quick glance.
AI-Powered follow up activity
Our technology also generates suggested email and SMS that our marketing team edit and send, driving you brand new customers.

Boost Sales,
Automate Follow-ups

Never miss a follow-up, and automatically collect and store client information to market to in the future.
Try the service 100% risk-free